May 15, 2012


I had a whole day with nothing in particular on my agenda.  My family and friends were working and it felt like a little slice of the world was my oyster. I woke up late and threw a bow in my hair, accomplishing a goal of mine. Then, I made a pb&j to go and went to my favorite place on earth.

Eating lunch on car-top, beachside is the way to go.  I've spent many a summer night listening to music on top of my jeep in this parking lot.  This is my "happy place."  It's a little beach that most people don't think twice about.  I kind of love that.  The beach is spectacular and I had it all to myself the other day.

Since I was at the beach anyway, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to check another thing off my goals list - run down a sand dune.  If you have never ran full speed down a sand dune, you may not understand the awesomeness of this goal.  It almost feels like your flying, and always reminds me of my lakeside childhood.



And after my beach time was over, I decided to do a little antiquing and thrifting in hopes of finally finding bookends.  After a few hours of no luck, I stumbled upon this place.

I was tempted to take home the vintage telephones, signage and license plates they had an abundance of.  At first, I felt a little disheartened.  Bookends tend to be both ugly and expensive.  I had almost given up, until I stumbled on a corner of nautical goodness and spotted this guy.

He doesn't have a match, so I got him for $12.  As you can tell, he isn't stay in his current condition for long. After a little sanding and a coat of black semi-gloss spray paint, he was good as new.  I'll be sure to point out the final product when I move him to his permanent location.

For those of you who have lost track, I ticked off five goals off of my list in one afternoon.  Not too shabby.

     - wear a bow in my hair
     - run down a sand dune
     - go antiquing
     - go thrifting
     - find/DIY/buy bookends

I've actually accomplished another goal since, but I'll save that story for another day. It's quite a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Look at you go with all your goals!! This actually sounds like such a nice day. Quite jealous :)
