May 11, 2012



This post is a part of  Danielle's series over at Sometimes Sweet. I love this series because it allows me to share so many little things, things that may not have warranted a full-on post. Thanks Danielle!

Reading Domino: The Book of Decorating.  My parents gifted me this gem for my 21st birthday back in April, but I wasn't able to devote my full attention to it until now.  I love it, and I love that it brings me closer to my goal of having 5 coffee table books! I'm also catching up on my blogroll.  It was woefully neglected during the last few hectic weeks of school.  I'm particularly loving the articles shared on Geek is Chic, particularly the ones about my generation (GenY/Millennial).  It's got me itching to read about American history and pop culture.. it might help when I try playing New Girl's True American Drinking Game.  Kidding.  Maybe.

Watching all of the shows that no normal person has time for.  I'm surprisingly addicted to Duck Dynasty.  If you were to see me at 1 a.m. these days, chances are I am laughing my face off at the antics of those rednecks :) If it isn't that show, I can be found watching Storage Wars, House Hunters, House Hunters International or re-watching familiar favorites like New Girl, Parenthood, Modern Family, Psych or Grey's Anatomy. Can you say TV addict?

Thinking about all of the luck, success and hard work that 2012 has brought so far.  With grades coming in, and the time to just think, I have realized how successful 2012 has been so far.  The hard work that I have put in to things and the attitude and work ethic that come natural to me, these things are being noticed now. I haven't had a year like this before, where things have been so great, for so long.  I feel like I'm coming into my own and it feels. so. good.

Anticipating: My move back to Indianapolis next week.  Home has been great and will continue to be great, but I feel so in-limbo.  It will be really nice to be settled in the same room, in the same house for an entire year.  I can't wait to get decorating.

Listening to: one of my new favorite artists, Steve Moakler, mixed with a lot of Ben Rector's music and Mat Kearney's album Young Love.  The mix makes me feel ready for a nice long road trip.  Steve Moakler is a new find.  He's slightly rock, slightly slightly country and just a really great singer/songwriter.  I love his lyrics.  They are witty and funny and true.

Eating: all of the hometown goodies that I can't get when I'm not here.  I'm also indulging with some festival food. Elephant ears, anyone?  I'm hoping I'll get all of the not-so-good-for-me food out of my system before I head back to Indy.  I'm hoping to get in some really healthy routines this summer.

Working on: a plethora of crafty projects to fill my time.. and my future house.  A recipe box, gallery wall goods and a headboard are in the works.  More on that later!

Wishing: and hoping that I can enjoy the little things this summer.  I'm having a hard time letting go of my to-do lists and just enjoying life.  This needs to happen, and soon.

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