November 22, 2012


Via pinterest. Isn't that a sweet sentiment? 

Just stopping in on this meaningful holiday to jot down my thankful thoughts. I have so so much to be thankful for, this year and all years. I think I do a pretty good job of remembering to be thankful on the regular, but it's nice to have a day devoted to sharing it with family. Since this blog has started, I've made it a place to celebrate the little things - so that's just what I'll do. 

In this moment, I'm thankful for: 

- The fact that I go to Butler University. 
- That I go to Butler University and won't be swimming in debt when I leave. 
- The faith that Butler has prepared me for the next step in life. 
- Kappa, for making me a better person, for challenging me and for building meaningful relationships. 
- My parents, for being hilarious, wise and good. 
- My sister, because we are best friends without trying. 
- No car trouble in the recent months (I hope that didn't jinx it). 
- Amazing friends at school. I just love the community that we've built there. 
- Great friends at home. We aren't the best with keeping in touch, but it's like we never left when we come back home. 
- My iPhone and computer. 
- A warm home at Butler and in Holland. 
- Being from Holland, Michigan. It was a perfect place to grow up. 
- Leaving Holland, MI and seeing the world. 
- For planning a post-graduation trip. Boston, I may be seeing you soon! 
- Some great cooks in the family! Thanksgiving dinner is going to be tasty. 
- A family with interesting stories (both hilarious ones and heritage-related ones, too). More on this later. 
- A nice, loooooooong thanksgiving break. Like 10 days long. 
- That thanksgiving is not met with snow this year. Save that fluffy stuff for Christmas! 
- Coffee, enough said. 

What are you thankful for? How are you celebrating this fine thanksgiving day? 


  1. thankful for friends like you! and for kappa for bringing us together :) miss ya! x

  2. I could put so many of these on my list also -- Kappa, my school, coffee, and def my Apple gadgets!
