May 29, 2013


I think it is about time that catch you up with my Future 101 list! I started the list to remind me of what I wanted to do in life, to measure my accomplishments, and to challenge me to do the things that are the stuff of my dreams. It has done all that and more.

Graduate from Butler University. 
Check! I wrote a post about it here, but its still very much setting in still. I think the fall might bring the most unease for me. It will be very strange not to go back-to-school shopping.

Purchase Adobe Creative Suite.
Yes, I own photoshop and illustrator. You might be saying..."but I haven't seen anything awesome and creative coming from your blog yet!" You are most definitely right. The truth is that my computer is coming up on its four year birthday. It acting like its on its deathbed and I don't trust it with the software. I'm going to wait until I check off another one of my Future 101 list items, buy a new laptop.

Read 25 New Books. 
I have actually read closer to 35, but haven't been the best at documenting all of them. With all of my Paris prep, I have definitely exceeded the count. I still plan on continuing the bookworm posts here and there. I most definitely plan on reading for fun still.

Share my blog with my "real life" friends. 
The online community around blogs is beautiful. There is something so freeing not to be inhibited by the expectations of friends and family. For some reason, there is something so terrifying for me about having people who know and love me read this blog. However, I'm a firm believer that taking yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then is a great idea. I'm tackling this one in small steps, but since my sister, my dad, my best friend and twitter know about Lovely Explorer, I'm counting this as a check!

Paint my nails without getting it on my fingers.
Until a year ago, I was never a painted nails kind of person. When I did paint my nails, it looked like I was murdered because of all of the red on my hands. Over time, I've become quite skilled. Patience is always my enemy, but fast-drying top coat is my new friend. I've also found that it helps to lotion your hands before painting. Nail polish just wipes right off your skin if you go a little crazy. I love the Essie colors. Favorites are geranium, meet me at sunset and Madison Ave-hue. One a related note, can I get the job of naming nail polish colors?

Buy a sewing machine.
This one is sort of a half-check mark because I technically didn't buy the machine. My aunt surprised me with the graduation gift! I hadn't told anyone that a sewing machine was on my "want" list, so I was shocked when I this giant package arrived on my doorstep. Should be handy for all sorts of DIY projects!

Travel somewhere new.
I'd say Paris counts, yes?

Call or write my grandparents without my mother's nudge.
I've gotten much better about maintaining a relationship with my grandparents. I'm still not great about calling like I should, but I'm definitely making improvements.

Cook 5 recipes that I never have before.
This one is a trick. I have definitely cooked five things that I never have before. However, I'm keeping the recipes for future blog content. Get ready for that!

Wear a dress that I feel beautiful in.
I have never been a dress girl. I just don't think they flatter me. However, with wedding season, formal season and graduation season upon us, it was time to invest in something that was both versatile and gorgeous. I found this black number in a boutique in Holland while home on break. I love love love it! It can be worn so many ways. Add a new necklace and it takes on a whole new personality!

Check my tire pressure regularly.
My car and I have a love/hate relationship. I bought my '04 Jeep Liberty used with nearly 150,000 miles on it, so I was expecting some maintenance. It has tested me like no other. In order to improve its function, I've taken to checking my tire pressure. A small thing, but something that I honestly didn't even know existed before this car. It takes five minutes and gives me (and my dad) some piece of mind.

Wear my hair in a new way.
The top knot was not in vogue when I wrote this list. Now, it's my go-to hairstyle for days when I just don't feel like curling or straightening etc.

Listen to NPR while I'm going to work.
While at my last internship, I really got into listening to podcasts while traveling to and from work. I would even listen to them with headphones while at work. This list item was added because it reminded me of things that "grown ups" did. Let me tell you, I do feel more cultured and in-the-know if I listen to them. Not a bad thing.

With all of that out of the way, I have to admit something. I am absolutely not planning on completing a few of the things on my Future 101 list. Here is the list of things I'm nixing...

[ ] Write or scratch my initials somewhere in Kappa.

Why not? It just feels disrespectful. I've left enough of myself in that house anyway. 

[ ] Write down my dreams for a couple nights.

Why not? Because who cares about what they mean? I don't really buy into it. 

[ ] Wear a themed outfit all-out.

Why not? I really hate wearing themed outfits all-out. This was one of the "life should scare you" list items. The truth is, I don't like attention and would hate to be the most theme-y of attendees. 

[ ] Tell a joke.

Why not? I tell jokes, just not obvious or planned jokes. I don't know how to blog about telling jokes, so this is getting the axe. 

[ ] Learn to play a modern/popular song on the piano.

Why not? I don't have a piano. I do play the piano (or at least I used to), but never learned those quintessential songs that people pull out at gatherings. One day, this might be nice to work on but it is not a priority. 

On that note, I need five more goals to add to my list! Do you have any ideas for me? 

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