July 10, 2012


Instead of being a productive intern on Monday, I indulged and made some quick blog improvements to the ol' site. I actually love the new stuff. If you're reading via a reader (google readers..I'm with ya!), click through to see the new digs. As for how this transformation happened, I use a blogger template and insert pictures (designed by yours truly in photoshop and illustrator) with links. It seems to work well for this amateur. I'm definitely in the "trial and error" camp with these softwares, but I find it rewarding and exciting.

You'll notice the header is different, much more streamlined. Much more "modern vintage." I've moved my pages to the right side below my bio. I've also updated my social media buttons and pages buttons. My blog button is brand new. I'm in love.

Speaking of blog buttons, you may notice Melissa's on the side of my blog. As part of a blog swap, we feature each other's buttons. It's an easy way for me to promote fellow bloggers and discover more great writers living lovely lives. If you are interested in swapping blog buttons, shoot me an email allyson[dot]dobberteen[at]gmail[dot]com.

So, thoughts? Do you like my new look? What do you think of this blog swap business? Let's chat about design! I'm a sucker for it.


  1. I'd love to chat about design! I actually just redesigned my blog, Bridget's Own Diary, this week. It's been a work and progress but it's finally complete and up for viewing now! I like the simplicity of your look; that always helps the photos on the posts be the focal point. I see you're in PR? I intern for a PR firm in Texas, but am not sure if I want to pursue it as a career. I'd love to feature you on my blog! I love supporting fellow young bloggers. By the way, I found you via the corner apartment. Hope we can stay connected and share blog buttons! I'll send ya an email. Best, Molly


    1. Hi Molly! First of all, thanks for swinging by! It's crazy how much we have in common. Blogging still amazes me sometimes. I adore your design. Seriously, in love. Mint green is a bit of a weakness for me lately and your blog is no exception! As for PR, it's another one of my favorite things to chat about. I started off as a journalism major (sound familiar?) and fell in love with it because I could write..for a purpose. Last semester, I was at a firm filled with amazing people (see post here.. lovelyexplorer.blogspot.com/2012/04/sad-day.html) and definitely hope to go down that road in the future. Even if agency life isn't for you, there are so many avenues of PR to check out! Checking my email now! It sounds like we could make a great pair for blog button swapping :)

  2. Loving the new design Allyson! I wish I knew how to edit things to make my own site, but I'm not that good yet, ha :)

  3. love the new look! you're a whiz kid :) I'm working a refresh of miss lib in my head, but am finding it hard to decide what I really want! lovely explorer really looks great!

    1. I missed this somehow Libby! I can't wait to see whatever comes out of your head :) I'm sure it will be great!
