February 10, 2013


The blogging community is a strange place. For me, it's an honest place, an authentic place, and often a place that brightens my day and inspires me. That's why I was so please when Melissa nominated me for a Liebster Award. Essentially, it's just an excuse for me to spill my deepest thoughts with you. Naturally, I'm all for it.

I'll be answering the questions Melissa posed for me. Read on if you want to get a pretty good glimpse of who I am.

Why did you start blogging? More importantly, why have you chosen to continue it over the years?

I was an avid fan of blogs for at least a year before I began my own. Bloggers inspired me beyond belief. When I started Lovely Explorer I was in need of a pick-me-up in life, so played around with it. I've continued because of many of the same reasons. When I'm inspired, I write about it. When I'm bummed, I write about it. When I'm in need of some friendly advice, I write about it. Lovely Explorer is the perfect outlet for all of that good stuff.

What was the one most important moment of 2012 for you and why? 

This is a hard one for me because 2012 was so very good to me. The highlight was most definitely the realization that I was in love with my future career. Public relations is a fast-paced, writing intensive and strategic industry. It relies on influencing others by building mutually beneficial relationships, and I absolutely love that.

If you were on a deserted island and could have any three things, what would they be? 

Fresh water, a map and a boat with a full tank of gas. :) I might hang around the island and get a tan for a bit before I flee though.

What is your current favorite song that I should be listening to? 

Demons, by Imagine Dragons. It's been my mantra for a few weeks now.

What is one favorite blog post you have written? 

Picking one favorite is just impossible for me. A recent favorite about my wish for 2013. Exciting travel news. A simple post about joy. A post about a florals and a family tradition all in one.

Name one of your guilty pleasures. 

Television is a huge guilty pleasure for me. I watch far too many shows and am far too connected to them. I watch The Amazing Race, New Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Fire, Modern Family, Downton Abbey and The Mindy Project. It's a huge drain on my time and my productivity suffers because of it.

If you could give a piece of advice to yourself when you were 15, what would it be?

Stop worrying so much, because things have a way of working out. Also, comparison is the thief of joy. I'm still working on taking these pieces of advice now.

What book are you looking forward to reading in the near future? 

The Age of Miracles, by Karen Thompson Walker is next to me right now. I've also got a long list of books of all shapes and forms relating to Paris on my to-read-before-May list.

Tell your readers something they may not know about you! 

I feel like I'm fairly honest with all of you readers, but here are a few things that you probably don't know. I can touch my tongue to my nose. I've spent a week backpacking through the wilderness in Wyoming. I've been to many national parks and love to hike. I've travelled to a majority of the states (31). I've never dyed or colored my hair. I've never been tanning. How's that for dishing some secrets?

You're told that you have to drop on of your social media accounts. Which one and why? 

Facebook, and easily! I never reap truly positive benefits from Facebook. I always find myself comparing and judging, not things that I love to do. In the meantime, follow me on twitter and instagram :)

What is one thing that you truly could not live without? 

Nature. Perhaps the things you may not know about me question revealed how much of an outdoor person I am. I always feel more alive in green areas, even if it's just a city park. I just feel more connected to who I am, more balanced and more alive when I get out into nature.

How would you answer these questions? What do you think about how I answered them?


  1. Yay I'm so happy you participated :) I always love the perspective you give on your blog, and learned lots of new stuff about you in those questions. I love Imagine Dragons but don't remember that particular song, going to check it out now!

  2. hey - o, never been tanning either :) you're the best! since I can't see you every day (multiple times a day) - I'm so glad I have this blog to keep updated on your life!

  3. Love these answers!
